Review | Little Grems


I’m a HUGE scarf fan, so when I saw these fringe bibs from Little Grems, I had to have one…and then proceeded to ask the owner, Cheryl, to make me one.

Well, let me just start by saying my toddler STILL drools (yes, that’s a fact), but even if she didn’t, I love that the fringe bibs are a nice alternative to infinity scarves for toddlers. I don’t know how the owner, Cheryl, thought to come up with this style, but I love them.

I was pumped to get my parcel in the mail from Cheryl with a little note (gotta love customization), and the bib was perfectly pressed and adorable. Me being me, I inspected it carefully for flaws, and couldn’t find any, it was perfect!

If you have a toddler, I’d highly recommend check out her fringe bibs because they’re adorable and will work perfectly for 3 seasons. Check out the fringe bibs for only $15 at Little Grems:

Here are a few pictures of the bib that I received.

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