Goodbye Mombie! Makeup in 5 easy steps


I’ll be the first to admit it, becoming a mom has seriously affected my personal hygiene.

I’ve done things that I NEVER thought I’d do, and when I look at them objectively, they’re actually pretty gross. When did I shower last, who knows!? Is there too much puke on my shirt to go out in public? Naaaah! Should I shave my legs before baby yoga? Pfftt, I’ll just wear my long yoga pants. The other day at 9pm, I even realized that I’d gone the entire day without brushing my teeth!

So today, I decided that I wasn’t going to look like a zombie anymore, opened my dusty makeup drawer, and started playing with my sad, lonely makeup. Knowing that my daughter despises naps more than Indiana Jones hates snakes (had to let my inner geek shine for a moment), I had no idea which moment would be my last sans-baby, so I had to prioritize.

After studying my prized makeup collection, I found 5 items (all conveniently in portable tubes), that would quickly freshen me up.

So here it is…how to do everyday mom makeup in just 60 seconds:

Step 1: Eye Concealer

Do I really need to explain why this is the first item on my list? MOM BAGS ARE REAL, PEOPLE! When I don’t cover them up, I basically look like I’ve been punched in the face. But who has time to expertly cover them up? Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream Eyes is my favourite under eye concealer. It covers well, and is super-quick and easy to apply. Just swipe under your eye, and dab with your finger. MAGIC!

Step 2: Mascara

Not exactly revolutionary, but even a little bit of mascara goes a long way. While I’ve never cared about which mascara I use, and normally just purchase whatever is cheap at Shoppers, desperate times call for desperate measures and CLINIQUE High Impact Mascara actually makes me look slightly less haggard. If I’m feeling especially crazy, I even curl my eyelashes first…wild! 

Step 3: Brow Pencil

There’s something about a full, clean brow that warms my heart and makes me happy. Filling in your brows also defines your face and gives you new pep. Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade was my original go-to, but now that I don’t have time to meticulously craft my brows, I’ve happily switched to the Anastasia pencil with built-in brush…so much faster! All you have to do is literally draw them in.

Step 4: Highlighter

My mom makeup goal is to look clean, fresh, and like I actually have my shit together (fake it ‘til you make it)…and a highlighter helps to accomplish this goal. There are lots of highlighters that I LOVE, but the quickest and easiest is Benefit’s Watt’s Up Cream-to-Powder Highlighter. It has a built-in blender, so just swipe it on your cheeks and down the bridge of your nose, and you’re ready to rock!

Step 5: Lip & Cheek Stain

Stila Lip & Cheek Stain has been one of my favourite beauty products for years, mainly because it does double-duty and fits perfectly in any purse (or now, gets lost with soothers in the diaper bag). Given my current extra-pale appearance, that little dab of colour is more important than ever, because it helps me go from an extra on The Walking Dead to a semi-functioning adult. Just swipe it on your cheek bones, blend with your fingers, apply to your lips, and you’re ready for your day.

Now that you’ve applied your 5 tubes of makeup in 60 seconds, you’re ready to rock your playdate, or saunter through the grocery store.

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Editor and creator of Mom Break. Erica is a mom of 1.5 (one is baking and on the way), and decided to start Mom Break when she felt other resources didn't give a fair depiction of motherhood. Follow her on her adventure or parenting.


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